Kati Long

Fullstack Developer


I'm a Fullstack Software Developer currently based in Phoenix, AZ. I made a recent career change from Lighting Design and Live Production. I've expanded my skillset from programming Lights to include programming Applications.


Javascript ES5/ES6 | HTML5 |CSS3 | jQuery | AJAX | React.js | Redux
Node.js | Express.js | RESTful API | Mocha | Chai | MongoDB | Mongoose
Git | Github | Heroku | NPM | Slack | Chrome Dev Tools | A11y | ARIA | Wireframes | User Flows


Bolus On Board

Bolus On Board


React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Node, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, NPM, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API Endpoints


Built as an application to help Type 1 Diabetics track and manage all the metrics we need to track on a daily basis. The main part of it's functionality recreates an essential part of Insulin Pump software so that those who cannot afford/or who chose not to use one. It tracks and updates the amount of insulin in a user's system at any given time, so that the user can have a consistent and accurate readout when making decisions.

Shakespeare Passport

Shakespeare Passport


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Node, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, NPM, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API Endpoints


Built for an Arizona company, Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival. The Shakespeare Passport App allows a user to record all the shows they have seen, read or performed in. The User can view all entries using different sort options. The frontend is built in JavaScript & jQuery, the backend is a Node RESTful API with CRUD operations.

Museum Explorer

Museum Explorer


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, GoogleMaps API, Youtube API, NPM


The Museum Explorer was built for Art Enthusiasts who want to explore the world of Art from their home. It was designed to pool many existing resources into one tool. It utilizes the Google Maps & and Youtube API to allow a User to search for museums by city and explore any digital content they may have.

Clue The Movie Quiz

Clue The Movie Quiz


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery


This project takes you on an interactive quiz about the 1985 movie Clue. Never seen it? Great! The "wrong answer" GIFs are my favorites.